July 2020 development log

POSTED ON: 2019-07-01

Hey you all, welcome to the development log of July 2020. It has been a while. Our last development log was in mid March so this one is long overdue.

UI: Match found screen

Vault 1

Once a match is found this new countdown screen will pop up.

New map: Vault

We made another 1vs1 and 2vs2 dueling map. This map features the interior of a bank. It is a fairly compact map so no time to idle!

Vault 1 Vault 1

Improved region based matchmaking

Vault 1

We have improved our matchmaking system. This new matchmaker will match low ping players together. If you have been waiting in the queue for a long time it will gradually increase the allowed difference in ping. We are making use of the Steam network, this allows us to have great pings around the world. Players can connect up to 33 different data centers.

New map: Industrial

Industrial is a map that has more verticallity. It features an industrial setting and a small scale factory.

Industrial 1 Industrial 2

In-game chat

Thus far you could only use the chat in the lobby to talk to your friends. Now we have also added the much needed in-game chat. This is a multi-channel chat in which you have the ability to talk to everyone or just your team mates.

Vault 1

UI: Prematch screen

We worked on the prematch screen, which is shown before the match starts. Here players can see some general information about the match and have the ability to chat. If every player connects the screen will disappear and the match will start.

Vault 1

UI: Victory/Defeat screens

After you win that deciding round you will be greated by a nice victory screen, or a defeat screen in my case.

Rich presence

Your friends(if you have any), will now be able to see your in-game progress.

Steam rich presence

Preparations for maintenance/playtesting

Our staff has the ability to close the game and open up the game for a given period of time. This feature also allows us to lock the game during a maintenance session. Or to open up the game for something like a playtest weekend 😉.

We anticipated to be able to do a playtest weekend in Q3 of this year. This date will be pushed back to Q4 2020 or Q1 2021.

👍 Do you want to help us?

We need to get people excited for the next generation of third-person shooters. We need your help to spread the word. If you know people that might be interested in Duel please reach out to them.

March 2020 devlog →