Matchmaking & Duel one versus one flow

POSTED ON: 2019-02-16

With all these components in place, we have finally finished our first game loop. Two people can now queue up and play one versus one matches against each other.

We have a very early stage version of the one versus one dueling game mode working. In the current stage it is a best of five. To win the round you will have to kill all players on the opposite team. Next month we will polish this mode more and also start working on a two versus two dueling mode.

Invites and notification bar

POSTED ON: 2019-02-04

You can now receive invites. Those invites will also show up in the new notification bar.


Health bar


Health bar

HUD improvements for the duel game mode

POSTED ON: 2019-01-25

We also did some basic UI work to improve the HUD. We have rehauled our health bar. And we have added a scoreboard element for the dueling game mode.

Health bar

Health bar



Better way to find a match

POSTED ON: 2019-01-24

To make it easier to find the match we improved the mode selection screen and updated the server browser.

Mode selection

Improved lobby

Server browser

Server browser

Improved lobby UI

POSTED ON: 2019-01-20

We have also improved the lobby UI. You can now properly see who owns the lobby and see which members are ready. After queueing the queue timer will show up.

Lobby UI

Improved lobby

Queue timer

Queue timer

Improved social UI

POSTED ON: 2019-01-14

This month we did a lot of work on the main menu UI. The friends list is now properly tabbed (ingame, online and offline). We have updated the buttons to open up the friends list and the newly added notification bar.

New buttons

Social buttons

Friends list

Tabbed friends list

👍 Do you want to help us?

We need to get people excited for the next generation of third-person shooters. We need your help to spread the word. If you know people that might be interested in Duel please reach out to them.

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